At a recent meeting, a group of health practitioners compiled a list of the excuses commonly heard from clients on why they simply can’t (won’t) embrace the suggestions recommended to them to address their current symptoms and improve their health.
After decades of practice and tens of thousands of patient visits, I think I have probably heard all these at one point or another. Now… I am sure I never heard one of these excuses from you, but believe it or not, they are out there and frequently used by others.
The truth is there are unlimited excuses that can be used to clearly justify why now (or never) is just not the time to do the work. And that is exactly what they are… excuses.
So here is the list of 115 excuses that other people use not to do the work.
I don’t like vegetables!
I want my food to be fun and not taste dull.
I “have to have” my Starbucks mocha latte every morning.
I don’t know what advice to follow.
I eat “healthy” already, and it doesn’t work for me.
How will I accommodate this with my busy lifestyle?
I don’t want to have to give up everything I love.
I’m an emotional eater.
I have to have wine before bed.
I can’t stick to anything and always give up.
I’m addicted to sugar.
My kids don’t want to eat healthy so it’s hard to cook for everyone.
I feel left out when others “get” to eat foods I don’t.
Do I have to cook separately for me and my family?
I love my cheese!
I already eat clean so what's different about this program?
Will I have to deprive myself of a food group?
I don't know how to shop in a healthy way.
How do I meal plan and shop?
Baking cakes is a family tradition! (As she cries thinking of giving up grains)
I live alone. All that produce will go bad before I eat it!
Drinking plain water all day is too boring.
I can’t keep track of all this.
Organic is too expensive.
I don’t have enough willpower (or discipline).
If I had more time, I’d do it.
I don’t smoke or drink, food is my only vice.
It takes too much effort.
It’s too expensive to eat healthy!
I only want to try one supplement and see how I do.
I’ll check with my doctor about that!
I have tried everything, and nothing has worked. How do I know this will work for me??
I’m always traveling or on the road. Will I be able to do this, is it doable?
I can’t go without my cheat meals.
No one else in my house eats healthy so it's hard to cook for just me.
I don't have enough time to prepare healthy meals.
I don't have the energy to work out.
Giving up wine makes social situations difficult.
I stay up late because it's the only downtime I have after the kids go to bed.
It doesn't matter what I do, no dietary changes work for me. I've tried them all.
I don’t know if I’ll like the taste of these new foods.
I don’t want to waste money on things if I don’t like them.
People give me crap about not joining in to have a piece of cake to celebrate a birthday.
Do I have to only drink my meals (smoothie phobia) - I want real food to chew.
If I don’t cook food for my family they won’t ever eat, so it’s easier to cook what everyone likes.
The things I eat can’t be causing my pain.
I’m always on the go, it’s easier to eat out. Aren’t there healthy fast foods?
You can’t eat healthy all the time!
A little sugar isn’t going to hurt.
Water makes me nauseous.
That stuff tastes nasty.
It’s too much to think about.
Our bodies wear out with age. You’re going to have aches and pains. That’s just life.
I think I’m pretty healthy already because I eat well and exercise.
I find it overwhelming to follow all the instructions as most are "foreign" to me.
Do I have to buy extra things to follow the program?
What if I fall off the wagon again, do I have to restart all on my own?
After trying so many other programs, I am skeptical this will work.
Diets don’t work for me. Why is this different?
Do I have to exercise?
I already don’t eat sugar.
I never finish things so why start this?
I would if my husband ate what I cooked.
I love sweets and/or carbs.
I always quit.
I've tried everything!!
I don't want to give up alcohol.
I eat out all the time. Not eating out interferes with my social life.
My husband doesn't support me. I don't want to have to make two meals.
I don’t have time to cook.
My family won’t eat healthy food.
My food shopping is costing a lot more since I started eating healthy.
I miss my sugar/gluten/take outs etc…
I’m too stressed to add anything else to my plate.
This program sounds like one I already did and it didn’t work...
I live on bread and cheese. How am I going to survive without it?
Really... Is milk bad for you? Where will I get my calcium from?
I just want to feel good again.
Will I have to give up cheese?
It sounds good but I don't have the money right now.
We have two different kinds of food in the house - mine & his.
How does this work without testing?
Will I be craving food through the process?
The health food store smells weird and everything in there costs too much!
I'm not a chef so I'll just order a food service, aren't those healthy?
I travel too much and really don’t eat a lot anyway.
I'm stressed and stuck in the house so food is comforting right now.
The world is ending soon anyway, so I might as well do what I want.
I don’t feel like cooking multiple meals because I know my kids aren't going to eat my "healthy stuff".
My husband/kids don't like healthy meals and it’s too hard to make two different meals.
I travel a lot for work, and it's impossible to eat healthy when traveling.
Food is a big deal in my family, and I don't want to offend my aunt/mom/sister by not eating their food.
Will I have to give up everything I enjoy in life?
I live alone so I never cook. Can I be healthy without cooking?
Can I just ask my medical doctor to run the labs you recommend?
I just can't live without bread.
I always fall off the wagon and gain the weight again.
I just don't know how to eat healthy, there is too much information.
Organic costs too much.
My (child/husband) will never agree to eat this way.
He’s a picky eater.
I would do It, but don’t want to give up my alcohol at night and coffee in the AM.
I feel fine the way I am.
I don’t have the time/energy to cook.
We’ve already tried everything.
No time to exercise.
Why after eating clean and exercising, I still can’t lose weight?
How do I eat healthy and still be able to be social?
Why does my Dr. say my labs look normal, but I still feel off?
How can I eat mindfully if I have anxiety?
How do I motivate myself to exercise if I feel so tired in the morning?
I can’t not have my wine and cheese every night.
I can’t live without my bread.
I do everything else right, one of these a day is not going to kill me.
I can’t say “no” to wheat when friends cook, I don’t want to offend them.
Are there any you would like to add?