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Everything You Need to Know About CBD Products

Writer: Quinn TakeiQuinn Takei

CBD products are now everywhere! An entire crop of stores that exclusively sell CBD products have popped up everywhere. These products are now available everywhere you look from medical offices to the corner gas station.

But not all CBD is created equal! Like all supplements, there are the good, the bad, and the ugly! All supplements vary immensely in quality, active ingredients, bioavailability, and formulation. As a result, there are some CBD products that are very effective and others that are complete garbage. If you do not know what you're looking for, chances are good you will end up with something you don't want.

Allow us to offer you some insights to understand CBD products so you can make the best choice for yourself.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of over 113 chemical compounds found in the hemp plant. This is the main active ingredient which offers CBD so many therapeutic benefits. In our clinic, we find CBD products to excel for the following medicinal benefits:

  • Decreasing pain and inflammation

  • Lowering stress and anxiety

  • Improving sleep

  • There are many more benefits of using these products as well

CBD: Hemp vs. Marijuana

CBD is derived from hemp, not marijuana. Hemp and marijuana are both in the Cannabis family however, they are very different in chemical composition. Marijuana contains 10% CBD and 20% THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the ingredient which offers the “high” sensation. Hemp, on the other hand, has 20% or more CBD and only .3% THC. You could drink an entire bottle of CBD and not get high (I’m sure people have tried.)

Full Spectrum, Isolate, and Broad Spectrum

One of the most important factors in determining which CBD product is right for you is understanding the ingredients. There are a wide variety of CBD products available and each has its pros and cons.

Full Spectrum CBD uses the entire hemp plant, including .3% of THC. The THC and many other ingredients in the hemp plant enhance the therapeutic benefits of the CBD. This is known as the “entourage effect”. It is like CBD is the Rockstar and the THC and other ingredients are the Rockstar’s support staff that help and Rockstar be their best. Full spectrum is the preferred and most therapeutic CBD form. However, because full spectrum is using the entire plant, it is possible, in theory, that one using this product could test positive in a drug screening for THC.

CBD Isolate products are only the CBD active ingredient with now other parts of the hemp plant resulting in 0% THC. This product is only the Rockstar with no entourage or support staff. While this product will not test positive on a drug test, it is also less therapeutic compared to the full spectrum.

Broad Spectrum CBD is a new form of CBD. In broad spectrum CBD products, the THC has been removed from the full spectrum plant. This the equivalent of the Rockstar and all of the accompanying entourage support staff except for one member, the THC. Because the THC has been removed from the formulation, it may contain a trace amount of THC (>.05%) which will not be detectable by drug testing. This is considered the best solution for those that desire the maximum benefits from CBD while also honoring the concerns regarding being drug tested.

CBD Products

CBD products are now available in many diverse forms including oils, gummies, capsules, topical salves and vaping products. At The Center: Natural Health Specialists we only use oils and topical products. While vaping is the fastest way to absorb the CBD, there are increasing health concerns related to vaping. Gummies and capsules must go through the digestive system where absorbability may be compromised and slowed. Our preferred medium is a sublingual (under the tongue) tincture. The CBD is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. Tincture form also allows for precise dosing. Taking CBD internally allows the active ingredients to support you systemically, addressing multiple issues simultaneously. We also use a topical salve in our clinic to specifically address physical pain and orthopedic issues.

How Much CBD Should You Take?

There is no specific amount or formula to determine how much CBD you need to take to receive therapeutic benefits. A general recommendation is 30mg 1-2 times per day. Some clients can take much less, while others need much more.

The strength of CBD can be a little confusing. Some companies will label their products with the amount of CBD in the entire bottle (typically 30 servings), while others will specify the amount of CBD in 1 serving. For example, recently a new client came in and we did a review of all her current supplements and medications as we do with all new clients. The CBD she was taking said 40mg on the bottle. She thought she was taking 40mg per dosage. Actually, the entire bottle had only 40mg and she was receiving only 1.33 mg of CBD per dosage.

Other Important Factors

There many other important factors that can significantly influence the quality of CBD products like the extraction process, purity and quality of the hemp plants, company history and longevity, and third-party testing. These factors should be able to be found by doing some investigation into each company and product you are considering.

High-Quality CBD is Now Available at The Center.

We offer the highest quality CBD tincture and salves. We offer full spectrum, isolate, and broad spectrum tinctures in dosages between 33-83mg per serving. We do not participate in the price gouging that has been prevalent with CBD products and as a result, our products are 20-40% less than comparable products are being sold in most other locations. Many people that have switched to our products have saved money and noticed a marked improvement in symptoms compared to their previous CBD products.

CBD is an effective and very safe natural product to help with all types of pain, inflammation, stress and anxiety, insomnia and sleep issues, and offer many other health benefits. If you are ready to try CBD or wanting to try a new brand, we invite you to explore the excellent and trusted products we have available at The Center. Give us a buzz to talk about it (919) 848-0200.


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The Center: Natural Health Specialists

8404 Six Forks Road, Suite 201

Raleigh, NC   27615


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